
Get immediate solutions in two-way radio systems for your industry.
Communicate with the push of a button.



Landscaping and snow removal: the two go hand-in-hand in our region. Making sure customers are taken care of in real time, during snow events, is paramount. Coordinating these teams of employees over a large geographic area can be a difficult task. Fortunately, our landscape radio solutions & dispatch communication, using two-way radio, was designed to handle just that.

Handheld walkie talkie for outdoor
Handheld walkie talkie for outdoor

Know the location of your fleet: use GPS receivers

Using GPS receivers in our communications equipment, you can view the location of your fleet as well. Short term storage of AVL data means that you can look back and make sure your equipment was where and when it was supposed to be. Perhaps more importantly, you can prove your equipment wasn’t somewhere it was not supposed to be.

Contact us

We are more than happy to meet with you either in person or virtually.
Contact us to discuss your communications needs.
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